The moon stopped and asked him one day; “Are you angry with me? I have not seen you and the one dancing under my light for a long time.”
“No, I am not angry with you moon. The one chooses a shallow pan over me; she has abandoned the glory of our being. I desire to dance under the glory of your light. But for now, I do not have one to dance with.” said the man. “How sad.” the moon replied.
And the moon grew sad and darkened the skies. The rain stopped and asked the moon; ‘Why do you despair, dear moon?” And the moon told the rain of the sad story of the man and the one. He told of the true love the man and the one had. How he saw the happiness and deep love the two had as one. And the rain cried tears of dew that covered the fields the whole world over. And the grass and trees and flowers tasted the sad dew from the rain. They asked the rain why he cried tears of sadness. And the rain gave the story of the man and the one. Then the plants dropped the dew to the ground because it was filled with sadness and tasted bitter.
The soil rejected the sad dew and it flowed to the stream. The stream gobbled it up and it flowed to the river. The river felt the sadness in its waters and churned it into rapid pools and preceded to flood the lands. The succession of sadness in the floods grew larger and faster until it arrived at the sea. The sea seeing the anger in the waters asked the river why he caused such a misery on the land. And the river told the tale of how the land refused the sadness of the dew. The sea called into the deep ocean. It asked the land why he did not absorb the dew, filled with sadness. The land replied, the moon had caused the rain to cry tears of sadness. And the plants shed the water for it tasted sour.
The sea looked upon its surface and could not find the reflection of the moon. So, the sea called to the ocean far away to ask the sun what had happened. The sun told the ocean it had shined its light to the moon for reflection of happiness to ward off the darkness. But something happened to make the moon sad. The sun asked the moon why to have you darkened the night sky? And the moon told the story of the man’s sadness because the one rejected the love of the two, for a shallow pan. The sun paused for a moment in time, he remembered how he once rejected a planet and flung it out into space. But the love of the one returned after a very long time. It collided with the earth, and the earth absorbed its sister and made the moon from the remains. Then is when the sun asked the earth why it absorbed its sister, whom the sun had flung into the farthest reaches of space. And the earth reminded the sun of the deep love of family. And the moon was set to orbit the earth and reflect the sun on the dark side of earth by night. This is how the world reminded the sun of true love. And by the light of the moon lovers can dance and reflect happiness toward the darkness of space and time.
And so, the sun called to the moon and told it of the love on earth. And the moon smiled a crescent grin, lighting the night sky. The man saw the happy smile of the moon and remembered the happiness of the two. But without his one true love beside him he felt lonely. But the clouds felt the love of the sun, reflecting from the moon, and opened the sky to let the stars shine through. And the man wished upon a star, starlight, star bright, first star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might, find my one true love tonight. And an angel heard his song, descending from the heaven above, came to the man.
And she told the man; “Your sadness has caused an upset in nature. Why do you feel you must make the world sad?” And the man replied, “I did everything to make the one happy. And she gave me heartache in return. The one was my everything. I was only her nothing. I tried to keep our love strong, gave all my patience and understanding. Was always there for her whenever she needed me. And when I needed her, she called me a martyr. Spoke bad thing about me for her friend to laugh at. I gave her all my attention. Even when I did no wrong, I accepted blame for the very chaos she created. And in the end, left me for a shallow pan.” And the angel asked the man; “And from all the wrong you still love the one?” “Yes, I do.” said the man.
And the angel thought for a time. And she asked the sun, the moon and the stars for light on the matter. And nature brought forth her soft rain, and seasons and plants wrote advice. The fish of the sea and all creatures on the earth put together their minds. And at once, in a twinkle of an eye, the glory of creation caused the man to go forth in a deep sleep. When the man awoke, he saw life through different eyes. And with his own mind he decided that true love was always within himself. And he danced under the light of the moon, given by the sun. And the rain fell softly on the grass. And the land absorbed some and shared also with the stream. And the river felt calm. And the sea kissed the land with waves and foam. All the while the sun remembered that rejection of family created chaos, that set into motion the sadness of the man, who loved the one fallen into a shallow pan. And this is why the moon smiles in a crescent. Why even on the darkest of nights a star shines its light. And the man understood that he forgives the one who thinks that what appears to some as black sky is the foot that stomps the small mind. Nevertheless, he can still miss the one true love.